Monday, April 13, 2009

What's up with that title?

There we were. A bunch of teachers sitting around the computer lab being taught about blogs and how to use them in the classroom. The district is always looking for new ways for us to communicate with parents and make ourselves accessible to them. So we're learning about blogs and wikis and other interactive web hoodoo when the supremely intelligent presenter asks us to create our own blog. Now, you should understand something about me. I don't like to do things half-baked just to learn how it works. That's a waste of my very precious time. Therefore, I went forward with the notion that I would one day being talking to parents, friends, colleagues, and maybe even students (if they're resourceful enough to find me out here), and I wanted something that would represent me - the real, honest-to-God human being that I am.

So, a title. this point, I felt like so many of my students who attempt to postpone the actual beginning of a writing assignment by ostensibly thinking of a title. But, in this case, the program would not let me begin the actual creation of the blog until I had thought of one. I felt frustrated. Annoyed. No little bit bitter. So, of course, I thought of death.

Now, don't think me silly. I actually thought of death throes, to be specific. The painful thrashing attempt to postpone the inevitable. The precipice upon which we all must stand before venturing forth into the great beyond. Etcetera. Etcetera. Etcetera.

Having had such a morbid thought pop into my head, I figured I needed to find a way to make it better, happier. I accessed the ceaseless supply of optimism given to me by my mother (she's a Cubs fan - need I say more?) and realized that I don't want to die. I never want to stop living this beautiful life with which I have been so abundantly blessed. Therefore, if death throes be inevitable, I pray that mine might be never ending. That way, even if I spend eternity upon the precipice, I should never have to bid adieu to this luscious life.

And it's mine. So that's the title. Farley's (that's me, of course) Neverending (never dying, never leaving the life I love behind) Death (the mystery of what lies beyond) Throes (the toil, work, and frustration through which we all must go in order to maintain a life worth living).

Having precluded an eternal string of ridiculous questions about my morbid-seeming-yet-quite-optimistic title, I welcome you once again to my little world. Take good care of it, please.

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