Friday, October 19, 2012

I'm at a bit of a loss.

The students do poorly on a test. There are many possible reactions:

A.  Blame the test and test writer
B.  Blame yourself and beat yourself up
C.  Recognize that, due to the increased rigor of the state test and the standards behind it, the test was, much tougher than anything that the students have seen or prepared for in the past
D.  Realize that these results provide data that can now help drive the direction of your instruction, an opportunity to reteach material not mastered, and an opportunity to work through the how and why of mastering this sort of test using the test itself as a guide, worksheet, and model.
E. C & D
F. All of the above
G. None of the above

Okay, so that's a reasonably loaded question. The only distractor even up for discussion is "F" since some people will look for a scapegoat, flail themselves, and do their best with the kids, but obviously the correct answer is "E".  This is an opportunity. Why do I feel like so few people see this?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012



It's dusty in here.  I need to go to the dollar store and buy a broom.  Do they sell virtual brooms?  'Cuz that's what I have here - virtual dust.  Well, let the dust be lifted.

Oooooh.  That was like magic.  Cool.

I am intent on reviving this blog.  Maybe I will attach this one to my webpage and actually realize its original purpose.  One of the ones we've been tossing around in my Masters course.  To communicate to parents and with parents (and I suppose with students past and present) who Mr. Farley really is.

I had forgotten this thing until it came up on my dashboard during my class assignment.  I had to build a blog about Action Research.  So, I guess I'll keep that one up as I need to for class and keep this one in the between times.  You know, though, I might go legit and rant and rave some actual useful stuff here from which parents could benefit.  You know, reminders and such.  You see, the Google site that is currently serving as my classroom website is SUCH a bother to manipulate, I really don't want to try to keep track of ever-changing current events there.  But this is really easy to add to whenever something comes up.  So, this it shall be.

Welcome to all.

I'll try to really make it work this time.